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Unveiling the Series 3 Local Release Of The Series: A Review of Trademark Blud's Tetracyclics

The Salopian Mixtape

It's here, our Local Release Of The Series for Series 3...

T e t r a c y c l i c s - T r a d e m a r k B l u d

Telford rapper Trademark Blud has been making waves on the scene locally and beyond for a decade. With EP and single releases along the way, Trademark has kept fans waiting for an album for a LONG time, but was it worth the wait?

Tetracyclics is a 14 track journey through the light and shade of Trademark Blud's challenges, relationships, opinions and a wonderful twinkle of humour. From start to finish, listening to this album gives a snapshot into the complex and inspiring world of Telford's finest.

The man behind CultureTainment CIC and organiser of The Shropshire Music awards, Trademark Blud has done his fair share to support Shropshire's music scene and do his bit for the local community. It would then, come as no shock that support flooded in by Trademark's fans to enable the release of Tetracyclics on CD and limited edition red...yes RED vinyl.

As a release, it sure looks good...but does Tetracyclics give us style AND substance?

...let's get into it...

Our favourite picks:

W a t c h Y a M o u t h

t r a c k 7

Michaela ' ...this had to be the first track we picked because it makes me smile! This is just brilliant. It's meaty, it's got that filthy bassy grime to it and lyrically it's so cheeky and funny.'

Simon - 'This has got beef to it, but it's also proper tongue in cheek. Love it.'

B e h i n d T h e S m i l e

t r a c k 5

Simon ' is a real, proper reflection of Trademark Blud, his upbringing and his life. You get to learn a lot about him and how far he's come...'

Michaela - ' feel like he's really let you into his world in this track...he really is a truly inspirational bloke.'

L e e g o m e r y

t r a c k 1 0

...we learn even more about the man when he talks to his younger self. Leegomery has a light, bright and funky vibe behind the reflective lyrics. This tune has a really catchy hook and stands out in the journey of the album .

C a r n a g e & V e n o m

t r a c k 1 3

Michaela ' ...there's so much energy and so much power in this track.'

Full of drama, track 13 makes you sit up and listen, trying to keep up with Trademark's speedy lyrical delivery. Contrasting this with a slick and punchy chorus.

M y G i r l

t r a c k 1 2

You get to see the passionate side of Trademark Blud about the one he loves. It sits in a place in the album to provide real light and shade, whilst demonstrating his vocal skills.

T h e G l a s s R o o f

t r a c k 1 4

We love the vintage feel to the vocals in this track, with the punchy and electronic production, it brings together a sense of nostalgia and freshness.

S u p e r h e r o e s

t r a c k 3

Slowing the pace and dreaming up the production, Superheroes is short but makes itself known. The track feels bright in style...whilst bringing some big questions and opinions to the forefront of the track.

All in all, Tetracyclics as an album takes it's listener on a wide spectrum of emotions and is the perfect companion for hip-hop aficionados and genre newcomers. One size does not fit all with this album, each track has it's own beauty, it's bit of rough and unique qualities to immerse you into Trademark Blud's musical world, with something new to spot and enjoy with each play.

Fancy a copy of your own? Tetracyclics is available on CD and RED vinyl in these Shropshire record stores as our Local Release Of The Series:

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